Jessica L Bryant

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Badlands National Park Day 17

I was up early this morning and headed west to the Black Hills with a few friends to hike Harney Peak. (Harney was appropriately renamed Black Elk Peak on August 11, 2016).  At 7,242 feet, Harney is the tallest peak between the Rockies and the Pyrenees.  We had a few errands to run along the way, did our hike, got some groceries, and had dinner at a Japanese steakhouse.   We returned to the park with just enough time for me to switch out gear and get ready for another night of ferret spotlighting.  On my way to meet everyone, there was commotion a few apartments down where a friend had discovered a rattlesnake outside her door.  A few of them were deciding how to handle the situation, which ended well enough.  We captured the snake and relocated him far away from the housing area.

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Cathedral Spires, along the hike up to Harney Peak

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Another view of the spires, using a new trick on my phone camera

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The trail

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Cathedral Spires

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View east towards badlands, way off on the horizon

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Along the trail

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Getting closer

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Boulders and path

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View from above, looking east

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The old fire lookout at the summit.

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View east

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View south

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Panorama looking south from inside the tower

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Panorama looking north from inside the tower

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View of the tower and out building (pump house?)

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Fire lookout, out building, and what

looks like a pond that was

dammed for collection

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Along the hike back down

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View on the hike down

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Trail view

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Trail view looking east toward badlands

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Some nice fall color

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View of the fire lookout from along the trail

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Cathedral Spires

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Trail view

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More fall color

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Rattlesnake in the apartment area