
I'll still write a summary of the day later on, but right now I'm thrilled about the weather!  It's been foggy/cloudy most of the day, sun on and off, with theoretical threat of storms.  I spent the afternoon working more on a painting in my apartment, then in the evening was invited to go along for a walk.  The storm was starting to come in, so Sara, two Calhoun teachers and some students, and I set off towards Angel Butte, hunting for more fossils and watching the storm roll in.  We climbed up a ways and had a great view.  The wind really picked up and there were vast waves of dust blowing across the prairie in the distance as the sun was beginning to go down.  Then the real winds hit, and we opted to climb back down from our exposed perch.  The blowing dust hit us, along with some serious wind, as we walked back to housing area, which is off to the left of the bottom image, below.  Fantastic!  We should be getting more storms as the night goes on!

Storm approaching towards Angel Butte area.
Storm Front over Ben Reifel Visitor's Center.