Badlands Residency Day 38

Had to say goodbye to my parents today, as they headed home.  Went for a hike along Norbeck Ridge with ranger Tyler in the afternoon.  On our way down from the ridge we took a route that landed us near the loop road.  Just behind some of the buttes, in a drainage, we found concrete slabs, a rail tie, and rock that clearly didn't belong in that area.  Our best guess is that these are washed away remnants of the old roadway.  The loop road has changed course multiple times over the years as park staff work to maintain a safe road on a quickly eroding landscape.  I don't know whether our hypothesis is accurate, but I plan to do some research to find out.  Later in the afternoon I headed to the Wagon Wheel with dozens of others to take part in a surprise birthday party for a good friend.  She was properly surprised, and we all had a great time celebrating by dressing 80s, the decade in which she was born. 

Looking down on the loop road from Norbeck Ridge.

View of the loop road where it navigates Norbeck Pass.

Looking back along the ridge.

Looking up to the ridge from the
brushy area halfway down.

One of the pieces of concrete we found.