Badlands Residency Day 56

This morning I spent much time with photographs, and some processing.  Did a backup of my laptop and worked on some emails, too.  After lunch, I headed to John's hoping to be of assistance in his doughnut making process for Friday's branding.  In the end, all I contributed was separating a few eggs.  But I brought  along my computer and drawing materials, and managed to get the primary sketch done for two more buildings for the design guidelines project.  All that's left is to go over them with pen, get the shading right, and add enough texture in areas to pull together an interesting composition.  The hardest part is done.  For dinner I cooked some remnants from my kitchen and brought them over to Aaron's so we could spend some time going over my maps of Rocky Mountain NP, where I head this August as artist-in-residence.  Having just two weeks there, I don't have the luxury of exploring and discovering everything on my own as I have here.  Since Aaron grew up in Rocky, and his dad started the artist-in-residence program at the park, I figured he'd be the perfect person to suggest hikes and views, plus give me a good idea of what I'd find at some of the less visited places.  Ended the day with an early-ish bedtime.  I was planning to be up at 4am to go on a dawn patrol with the chief ranger, checking on areas in the south unit.  Alas, just before laying down I saw a text letting me know that plans changed and he has to stick around the office tomorrow.  Bummer, but that's how it goes.

Some of my building sketches

So much for sun today...

Walking to Aaron's, the deer were around.