Badlands Residency Day 11

Another beautiful day, though not as warm as yesterday.  I even opened the windows for a while.  Spend the morning cleaning, doing laundry, and organizing my apartment.  This afternoon I took a walk around the area, getting some of the photographs I'll need for my work on illustrating the park's Design Guidelines publication.  

Tomorrow morning I fly back home to Coeur d'Alene in order to lead my band, the Coeur d'Alene Firefighters Pipes and Drums, on our St. Patrick's Day pub crawl this Saturday.  If you're in the area, visit the band's facebook page to see our line-up for the day.  I think we start at noon.  Follow us around to as many gigs as you like!

I'll arrive back at Badlands on Sunday, just in time to spend the week with students from several high schools, local and non: the Calhoun School in Manhattan's Upper West Side, Red Cloud Indian School, and Crazy Horse High School.  It'll be fun but busy week!

As I write, the weather is shifting.  It was a calm day, for badlands, but the bombing sounds in my walls and roof tell me the wind has really picked up.  Here's an evening shot from out my back door.