Western Arctic National Parklands Residency Day 30: The Journey Home

My flight was set to depart at 8:42am, so at 7:15 Tyler grabbed a park vehicle and we drove my luggage the few blocks to the Alaska Airlines hangar.  After dropping them off, we went back home to wait until boarding time.  The hangar can seat maybe a dozen people, and from what I can tell it's only the out-of-towners that actually spend any time waiting in the airport.  At about 8am we went back.  There's no waiting, you put your things on the TSA scanner and go through the checkpoint immediately before stepping outside onto the tarmac to board your flight.  Then you sit and wait on the plane until departure.

It was a beautiful flight from take off in Kotzebue to landing in Anchorage.  There were clouds, but I had an even better view of Denali this time, and we were much closer.  From Anchorage to Portland was amazingly gorgeous.  I wish the plane had one of those real-time maps to show where you are.  I think I figured it out, finding unique islands and landforms to check on google maps.  The fjords and ice floes were incredible.  I would love the chance to explore those areas much closer, though I know I likely already saw some of the best views.  Portland to Spokane was relatively smooth, and the complimentary wine and beer that Alaska Air serves on these short flights were very appreciated after a long day in the air.

After landing I went to claim my luggage, and what a surreal experience that was.  As I walked up to the baggage claim area it was completely deserted.  I saw that the first carousel was for my flight, and just then it started moving and two bags came out: both mine.  There were no other bags, no other people.  I managed to load up my many bags in a way that I could waddle my way outside to the curb to wait for my family, and just then I saw them pulling into the parking area across the road.  I made my way across the lanes to them, there were hugs, and then we loaded up and headed home.  It's strange, yet comforting, to be back to familiar life so abruptly after a residency.

The airport in Kotzebue, that's my plane behind the hangar.  The left half of this building is cargo storage, us lowly humans use the small space at the right.

Heading out.

Turning around for take-off.

Kotzebue.  A clear view of the sand spit that the town is on, and you can see the loop road that cuts across the tundra.


Coming in to Anchorage.

Somewhere in southern Alaska, wish I knew exactly where we were for these next photos.

Descending into Portland.