Badlands Residency Day 15

Today was most unpredictable.  Calhoun was ready to head out around 10:30, wanting to stop in at Wall Drug before heading to the airport.  Ed and I followed in my car, since Gary had to drive one of the vehicles back to the rental lot and then would need a ride back to the park.  After an hour and a half exploring the wonders of Wall Drug, I led the way to Rapid City.  First we dropped their rentals off, then said a tough goodbye to Francesco, Hailey, and the students as they boarded the airport shuttle.  Gary then joined Ed and I in my car, and we went for a bite to eat.  Just a few minutes after sitting down, Gary received a text from Francesco that the group's flight was cancelled!  There was much back and forth as Francesco kept us updated on his fight with airline staff.  Everything was up in the air: when would they fly out, where would they sleep, what would they eat?  In the end, we went to Safeway and bought dinner for the group, then delivered it to the airport.  They were scheduled for a flight that leaves tomorrow morning, but the airline offered no compensation for the hotel stay that was required due to the small town airport that closes for the night after 10:30pm.  Gary, Ed, and I stayed with the group as they ate and until their hotel shuttle arrived, then made our second round of goodbyes.  After returning to the quad, we met up with Dudley for a little while, as it was his last night here.

Made a stop at Pinnacles overlook for Calhoun
to say goodbye to the Badlands.

Gary: going local at Wall Drug.