Badlands Residency Day 14

I received a voice message yesterday evening notifying me that I was selected as an artist in residence for Rocky Mountain National Park this summer!  I'm super excited.  More info to come on that when I have details worked out.

Today we met up early and drove down to Sheep Mountain Table where we spent most of the day hiking and exploring.  After lunch at the end of the main trail, we followed the path over the saddle that connects Sheep Mountain to neighboring Cedar Butte, and explored that area for a while.  It was a beautiful sunny day.

In the evening, the Calhoun group headed to Wall for groceries, and I celebrated my good news with friends, playing several rounds of basketball until the sky was too dark to continue, then just hanging out.

View from Sheep Mountain.

View from Sheep Mountain.

Some of the students, walking out across the buttes.

Heading back along Cedar Butte.

"You can tell that it's a butte, because of the way it is."
Sorry guys, couldn't resist!

View from between Sheep Mountain and Cedar Butte.

Looking to Cedar Butte from Sheep Mountain.

Walking back along the road.

Town of scenic...mostly a ghost town these days.

The large building was the community hall.  It has
basketball hoops, hosted dances...very cool inside.