Owyhee Canyon Wilderness Area Residency Day 2: Mud Flat

We were up early this morning and arrived at the BLM's Boise District Office around 8:30 to meet the other wilderness ranger, the photographer, the management staff, and to fill out some paperwork.  By about 10:30 we were on the road to the Owyhee Canyonlands area, a two hour drive.  The forecast called for clear skies today, but there were sprinkles along our drive, particularly after we passed Grand View.  It is a gorgeous drive once you leave the freeway, and especially once you hit the gravel of Mud Flat Road.  We stopped at the duty station at Mud Flat Spring to drop off our gear and pare down to the basics for a day of driving, hiking, and photographing.  The plan was to return here for the night.

The rest of the day was spent traveling along Mud Flat Road and stopping for hikes and views in the wilderness areas and between.  The weather and skies were beautiful.  We drove up Juniper Mountain and to Trout Springs, staying at a stand of snags for sunset before returning to the duty station.  Everyone cooked their own dinner, then we had tea and discussed the day and the possibilities for the next couple days of exploring.  It was a marvelous first day out in the field.

Mud Flat Road.

Mud Flat Road.

Arriving at the BLM duty station.

Hiking into the Pole Creek Wilderness.

Juniper berry closeup.

View looking north from Avery Table.

Looking across Avery Table.

The start of Deep Creek.

Looking south into Deep Creek.

Deep Creek.

Deep Creek.
Near Stoneman Creek (I think).

The view from Juniper Mountain.

A wider view from Juniper Mountain.

Two wilderness rangers hard at work, ensuring that visitors can find their way.

Trout Springs Road through the windshield.

Driving deeper into Trout Springs.

Wildlife...can you spot the deer?

A stand of snags we stopped to photograph for a while.

A second stand of snags, we stayed here for sunset.

In my head I could hear this snag singing "I'm a little teapot."

Shapes in the wood.

Starting the long drive back toward the duty station.