Badlands Residency Day 11

We did a lot this day.  Started by packing things up for a day trip/camping trip to Sage Creek.  Overnight low forecast to be close to 15, so in the end decided to move the camping from outdoors to inside the visitor's center's exhibits.  More on that later.  We started  in the quad with Ranger Cathy talking to the kids about Leave No Trace ethics.  Then we headed out, making stops along the drive out to Sage Creek.  Among other places, we stopped at Big Foot Pass where Russ, the teacher from Red Cloud, told the story of chief Big Foot's ride towards Pine Ridge in 1890 which ended with the massacre at Wounded Knee.  Next we stopped near the Conata Basin, had lunch, then hiked down to the picnic area and Big Pig Dig site (significant paleontology site).  Ryan, a friend and LE Ranger, met up with us there and hiked with us. Finally we continued down to Sage Creek, and after turning onto the Rim Rd, saw plenty of big horn and bison.  The male bison were fighting again, which is just wonderful to watch.  Down at Sage Creek, we found and explored the bison carcass I found a year ago, and Francesco gave the students another biology lesson.  Climbed down into the creek, looked at fossils, and then Gary, Francesco, and one of their students followed me around and out a different way.  Ended by meeting back up with everyone, and having some grilled sausages and hot dogs together, jumping around in place to try to keep warm.  The sun set before we ate, and it was cold enough when the sun was still out.  Packed up and drove back to the visitor's center in the dark, under the many stars of a clear night.

Back at the visitor's center, everyone pulled out sleeping bags and pads and claimed a spot amongst the exhibits.  I chose to camp under the model of a big horn.  It was fantastic.  We had lights out pretty early at 10pm, only the lights would not stay out.  They are on motion sensors, and despite the Rangers' best efforts, we slept with all the lights on.  There was plenty of silliness, mostly led by Gary and Francesco, to finish the evening with some smiles.  

Behind the quad.
Leave No Trace ethics discussion.
Big Foot Pass.
Local news station interviewing youth camp leaders.
Ranger Cathy giving a graphic demonstration of what
a bison does to wallow.
Prairie at Burns Basin.

Ranger Ryan applying an ice pack to Ranger Natalie's wrists.
Even Rangers can fall in the badlands. 
Looking out over Conata/Yellow Mounds.
Yellow Mounds.
Conata Road by the Big Pig Dig site.
Big Horn Sheep crossing between our vehicle lineup.

And the bison.

The bison carcass I originally found a year ago.

Students along the rim of the creek bed.
Gary and a student, investigating fossils.
Francesco, leaping the creek.
A student leaping the creek.
Gary leaping the creek.
Cottonwood at Sage Creek.
Cottonwoods at Sage Creek.
Sage Creek just before sunset.
Camping in the VC with the students.
My 'camp' site under the big horn.