Rocky Mountain NP Residency Day 15

Today was day 1 past the official end of my residency and my first day of tent camping.  A lovely though chilly morning, I made the hike through Glacier Gorge to Mills Lake and Jewel Lake. So beautiful. I am enamored of this area around Bear Lake with its peaks and cirques and the series of lakes, creek, falls, and cascades cradled in each valley. Truthfully I'm enamored of many locations here, it would not be fair to call this the favorite, however it does have a most enchanting personality and I love it dearly.  A spectacular hike to some amazing views.

Headed into town for supplies, came back and had a late lunch, then in the afternoon I went back out to the Bear Lake area to hike up to Bierstadt Lake. I chose to go the hard way, right up the moraine from the parking area. I moved quick, seeing rain clouds nearby and hoping to avoid a downpour. It did rain on me, but how worth it that was! As the rain lifted and I turned a switchback, an enormous double rainbow arched across the sky and down into the valley below. Hiking the moraine makes for much elevation gain in little distance, so it was a relief to reach the top and start the trail around the lake. I expected to run into more people and more lake views, instead the journey was solitary and the surroundings seemed like a forest that people forgot. I think there had been a fire in the area, which may explain the small amounts of green. Don't get me wrong, it was neat to walk through and reassuring to know that I'd likely see any large wildlife before stumbling upon it. There were a couple spots where you could hike in to the lake.   

Spotted this doe in the woods, she kept looking
back behind her at something...

Turns out her fawn was further back.

Approaching Mills Lake

Mills Lake outlet

Mills Lake

Mills Lake

Mills Lake

Mills Lake

Mills Lake

Watched this guy soaring on the thermals, then
plunging into the lake for fish.  Pretty sure he's
an Osprey.

Mills Lake

Jewel Lake

Jewel Lake

Jewel Lake

Mills Lake

Above Mills, along Glacier Creek

Above Mills, heading out

HIking up Bierstadt Moraine, looking toward Bear Lake

Rainbow over Glacier Basin area

The trail up the moraine

Another view toward Bear Lake area.  I can spot each of
the series of lakes I hiked to in this area.  Great view here.

Yet another version of the view

The moraine is covered in Aspen here, the first species
to grow after a fire.

Chickadee(?) in Aspen

Near Bierstadt Lake

Bierstadt Lake

Bierstadt Lake

Bierstadt Lake

Bierstadt Lake

Hiking back down the moraine.