Western Arctic National Parklands Residency Day 11: Kotzebue, AK

We had an 8am debriefing meeting with the backcountry ranger where we reviewed our trip day by day.  After that it was Tyler's week to give the park's report on the local radio station so we headed there.  Tyler read the park's information, introduced me and my job here, and then I read an entry from the journal of Bob Uhl, a local who was hired by the park service to keep a daily journal for many years.

Next was another park meeting for the interpretive staff that went until noon.  We planned out and scheduled the painting workshop I'll be giving.  Now I just have to choose a suitable photo from our trip to use.

I spent the afternoon beginning to sort through photographs to find images for my blog, got the first entry from our trip posted, and managed to do a little revamp of the blog's design.

Pizza dinner with Tyler and Cassia and catching up on some more Olympics we missed while out in the field.  Later, Tyler's friends called and invited us to come over.  I enjoyed meeting people I've heard about since meeting Tyler in Badlands.

I really take much for photographs today, so I'll share a map pic of the area I was in.  Better maps to come in future posts.