Badlands Residency Day 44

Finally, a really beautiful day again!  I was up early and painting hard all morning.  In the afternoon a group of friends headed out to fish in some of the local dams.  We tried one that was very windy before moving to another that had more hills around for shelter.  It was a grand few hours.  Katie and I observed while Ryan, Aaron, and John fished away, catching quite a few, releasing most back to the water.  Lots of joking, some cool discoveries (a Canada goose nest with six eggs), and much sunshine and fresh air.  Such a nice afternoon, this group is my second family.  I feel so at home here at Badlands, and much of it is thanks to these individuals, who made me feel welcome and at home during my first visit two years ago.  These guys are responsible for my first adventures in the South Unit, my connections to local ranch families, and they have taught me countless details about the park and surrounding area.  After two years, it just keeps getting better.  There are many others here who mean much to me as well.  Yup, seeing my time here coming to a close in a couple weeks is making me a little sappy.  Anyway...

We had a late dinner at the Wagon Wheel, meeting up with Katie's dad and uncle, who own the family's generations-old ranch just a little south of the park.  They are interested in commissioning a painting of the ranch, so we discussed plans for meeting at the ranch to assess possibilities.  I love Katie's family so much, they remind me strongly of my own, adding to the feeling to coming home when I visit here.

And back in the park, driving down Cedar Pass.