Badlands Residency Day 11

Monday November 12

Expecting sunshine today, so set an alarm to wake before sunrise. Was out for a hike behind the quad at 6:30am, and took a few photos. Came in, made breakfast, and sat down to paint most of the day. Took a break in the afternoon to update blog from last couple days, and to head out for a few sunset photos. Clouds rolled in again, so wasn't expecting much, but it was still lovely. Back to painting, then dinner and more painting or reading.

Just before sunrise, behind the quad (housing area).

First light on Angel Butte.

Sunrise light on Angel Butte.

Sunrise behind the quad.

Buttes near Saddle Pass at sunset.

Sunset over Badlands.

Buttes east of Saddle Pass.

Sunset over Badlands.

Not so skittish deer near the visitor's center.

Note: these shots are all from my phone.  Not so bad, huh?  Didn't get around to downloading images off my nice camera yet.