Badlands Residency Day 5

I spent today preparing for next week's youth camp.  Some meetings in the morning, then a trip to Rapid City to buy supplies for myself and for the park.   The Inter Tribal Buffalo Council kindly donated 25 pounds of ground bison to the park for the purpose of serving a South Dakota meal to the kids, teachers, and park staff involved in the camp.  Last year a lovely woman from the Badlands Natural History Association cooked up a vast quantity of bison chili for a fun introductory gathering of everyone the first night of the camp.  Unfortunately she is out of town this year, so as things worked out, I get to cook the chili.  I fancy myself a pretty decent chef, but I have little experience with chili (that's my husband's specialty) or cooking bison.  Trusting a recipe that I found online which has great reviews, I am multiplying the recipe by 12 or so, and will be cooking all this in two huge vats tomorrow.  Photos will happen.