Badlands Residency Day 47

Today I had an all-day education program with kids from the Boys and Girls Club at Ellsworth Air Force Base.  Drove to Rapid City at 8am and met the group at the Dahl Arts Center to start the day by viewing my exhibit there.  Ranger Kelly came along as park representative and to add her knowledge about the park.  I talked to the kids about my time at Badlands as Artist-in-Residence, explained the history of the South Unit, showed them different areas on a map, and talked a little about my paintings.  I had a sheet of questions for the kids to guide them into finding one piece to ponder, sketch, and write about.  When everyone was done I told them the story about how I got to the place to view the landscape in my painting Palmer Creek After the Rain.

Next we loaded up and drove to the Pinnacles Overlook in Badlands NP and had a picnic.  After eating I gave a lesson on value, how to show value with shading and hatching lines, measuring, and tips on landscape drawing.  I had made sketchbooks for the kids to use and keep, and they had a little more than an hour for free drawing time.  Towards the end a few of us took a little hike as well, and throughout the day we discussed how the landscape formed, wildlife, and safety in wild places.  The kids were fantastic and we had a great day.  One drew my portrait, and at the end the students all wanted me to sign their sketchbooks, which was very sweet.  

When I returned home in the evening, my friend asked if I would come along out to her family's ranch to help load up about eight old, broken mowers to bring to town.  We did that, and while at the ranch, she thought it would be a good idea to take me out to Coyote Creek to see the landscape.  So we all loaded up on ATVs and drove out there, then around other parts of the property that look out over the White River with Badlands NP in the distance.  Spectacular views everywhere.  At sunset we drove back to the park, taking the truck and trailer back across the river which was low enough that we made it without trouble.

Introducing myself and my exhibit to
the Boys and Girls Club kids.

At Pinnacales Overlook.

Teaching how to see values.

Corral next to the barn at Johnston Ranch.

Riding out to Coyote Creek.