Badlands Residency Day 41

Back to the park after a brief hiatus from my residency.  I'm very happy to report that the weather has shaped up nicely in my absence.  70s today, brilliant sun: a perfect day to have the windows and doors open wide.  Did some unpacking from NY and repacking in anticipation of heading home at the end of next week.  Painted a little, read a little, organized my thoughts and plans for the south unit visits I have planned for this next week.  A good day.  Ended with a night hike along the Door trail by the glorious light of the moon, one day past full.

Face in the butte.  Can you
 see the profile in the shadow?

Crazy story: Mike flew home from NYC today, had
internet on the plane, messaged me to say he was
flying over badlands and I might see his plane if I
look to the NW.  So I did, and yes, there he was!
Small streak of white above the tallest butte.