Badlands Residency Day 33

April 23, 2012

Had a plan to meet up with someone from the south unit for a tour, but that fell through. Instead, I hiked around Sheep Mountain Table with Steven and Amanda. Spend several hours up there, and got much better photographs than last time. After that, Steven and I ran over to Rapid for a couple errands, then back to the quad for a steak dinner prepared by Ed. Mmmm. I made butternut squash and wilted spinach to accompany, and a bunch of us dined together: Ed, Steven, John, Ryan, and Amanda. Delightful.

Sunrise behind the quad.

Looking the other direction.  Quad is to the right.

Sheep Mountain, near where two-track road starts.

Hiking on Sheep Mountain.
Pinion Jay on Sheep Mountain.

Looking over the edge.

Harney Peak in the distance.

Driving back, approaching visitor's center.

Some of my favorite buttes, across from the VC.

Sunset behind the quad.  It was glorious, I ran for the camera,
and sadly missed the rich glow.

Quad with Angel Butte in the background.