Badlands Residency Day 19

April 9, 2012

Got up early to take ranger Julie up Calhoun Canyon. It was a fair bit muddier today, after the rain we had on friday, and part of the path up over the ledge was washed away. Scrambled up there anyway, and enjoyed the view and a little more hiking. Came back to the quad, worked on the school project, and had lunch. Then Steven, Amanda (ornithologist next door), and I drove to Norbeck Pass, climbed over the edge of the road way, and hiked down to the flat ground below. We spent a few hours hiking up various canyons, exploring. Saw turkey vultures and other birds. Later in the afternoon I drove Ed and Steven to Sage Creek to check on the bison carcass and look at fossils. On the way we saw a gang of wild turkeys and a bison mother with her tiny calf. Ed said that by the look of the calf it was no more than 1-2 days old, maybe born today. He was mighty adorable.  There were many other bison around as well.  Lucked out with some lovely afternoon sun for photographing the creek area. The bison carcass is still there, but has been worked on some more by the coyotes. It was rotated 180 degrees, and one leg and both arms were moved a ways off. Many ribs were broken off and strewn about. We left there at sunset, and drove to Wall, hoping to get some groceries. Unfortunately the grocery store was already closed, but we stopped at DQ for dessert instead. On the drive back home, after entering the park and heading down Cedar Pass, a big white fluff exploded next to the car: a snowy owl! Ed had been dying to see one since Amanda told us there is one over at Conata. High five for that! It was really awesome, he/she flew up and with my car for a bit as I was braking, then in front of us and off to the side.  

Norbeck Pass area

A little further in along Norbeck.

Had to wedge myself into a slot canyon for this view.

Bison still there, but a little spread around.

Sage Creek.

I do love the trees.