A visit to Death Valley Day 1

Death Valley is perhaps my favorite national park.  I have visited several times, and was happy to have another stay, though it was short.  For the most part I revisited old favorites, but for something new, I went down to Ibex Dunes at the southeast border of the park.  It's a seldom visited area of the park, and a perfect place for some back country camping the night of a lunar eclipse.  The area around Ibex reminded me of being in the south unit of Badlands NP, both have a history of military air training and visitors frequently find casings and assorted metal bits.  I will have to come back to Ibex with a full day to explore.  There are many more places to investigate here.

A salt creek pupfish.  Little fish with a big story.

Salt Creek

Salt Creek

Boardwalk along Salt Creek

Ruins of Harmony Borax Works
Wagons from a 20-mule team

The road towards Badwater
Driving through Death Valley
Turn off for the road that leads to Ibex dunes

There were some dicey bits, but the road was mostly good.

New landscapes along the way to Ibex dunes

Ibex off in the distant right
The final approach.

Had to race out toward the dunes in a
futile attempt to beat the sunset.

Tail end of an unidentified snake