Badlands Residency Day 8

Friday November 9

Slept in a bit today, as planned. It was quite foggy and lovely when I woke up, though it stayed cold and overcast all day. Friends invited me to tag along for a couple hours of grouse hunting, which I did. It was quite cold and windy, and I came home chilled to the bone with numb toes despite having put on my capilene long underwear, five layers on top, and two layers of socks in my boots. Winter hat and mittens as well, of course. I made lunch and have been working on catching up on some things today. Have some paperwork to get in order related to my residency, and lots of blog posts to upload. I'm having to tether to my phone for internet, so doing anything online is dependent on my phone getting decent access in my apartment. It comes and goes. Looking forward to dinner with friends tonight and another night of good sleep. Forecast for tomorrow indicates some snow possible, and my fingers are crossed. If it comes, I will chase the snow around the park with my camera. If that doesn't last all day, I'll get some good painting in, too.