Badlands Residency Day 21

Finished cleaning and organizing my apartment this morning, then stopped by the visitor center to find a couple things to mail to my Dad for his upcoming birthday.  A friend was busy rearranging the bookstore displays, and I ran to town with her briefly to lend a hand in picking up some things from the storage shed there.  Made some lunch, started cooking some pasta sauce for dinner, then finally got to painting.  I have a very small table, so it's a little challenging to fit everything I like to have at hand, but it works.  Felt good to have the windows open to the warmish breeze and sunshine today.  Made some good progress on this new piece while listening to happy dance-worthy tunes.  Evening was another group meal; we're working on getting through  some of the food left behind by the school group last week.  Played a couple rounds of National Parks Pictionary before turning in for the night.