Badlands Residency Day 6

Wednesday November 7

Today was a great day. The weather was amazing: warm, sunny, and gorgeous with temperature in the mid-70s. Though the drive down to Red Cloud Indian School in Pine Ridge is quite long each day, it is a lovely route with beautiful, grassy rolling hills, patches of trees and shrub, areas of exposed rock formations. It doesn't hurt that I'm driving this scenery during the magic hours: sunrise and sunset.

The students were once again very focused. When they come into class, they grab their paintings, the photographs, and sit right down to work. Today many were talking more, asking questions, sharing experiences or thoughts. I really enjoyed it. Ranger Natalie came with me for the drive, and we had a good time, including having to stop for a herd of cattle on the highway on the way home. After a little while the ranchers in trucks and later one on horseback were able to get them organized to the side and we continued on towards home. For dinner some friends gathered at Ryan's for a sort of informal potluck and game of cards.

Sunrise over my apartment building in the quad (park ranger housing).

Rolling hills on Pine Ridge Indian Reservation.

The site of Wounded Knee Massacre.
My drive takes me past here each day.
 If you don't know the history, you should.  Look it up.

Sunset light on an old building on Pine Ridge Reservation.