Western Arctic National Parklands Residency Day 17: Kotzebue, AK

I forgot to set an alarm so had a nice sleep-in this morning.  Headed over to the park mid morning for several purposes, then spent much of the afternoon hanging out in the museum area, celebrating the National Park Service Centennial.  The park had four enormous cakes that no one thought could get finished, but thanks to some very large slice cutting, all day community shout-outs by the radio station, and a hungry community, at last report they were on the last cake with an hour and a half left in the day.

This evening I walked/ran the Virtual Running Club's Park Service Centennial race, a 5K for me.  Tyler and Cassia did the half marathon.  I left later and got back earlier, allowing me to start, and then improve, a homemade spaghetti sauce.  Yum.

Here are some photos from the celebration at the museum/visitors center.  I also have a few photos I took during my walk/run, which ended up being closer to 5 miles than 5K, largely thanks to my missing a turn due to lacking street signs.  Oops.  It was a stunningly beautiful day so I didn't mind being out longer.

Cake time!

No meager portion sizes here...

A wanna-be ranger.

Festive musk ox: he looks unsure about the prospect of celebrating.

Polar bear says "don't touch my hat!"

Calf and mama caribou are celebrating too!

 A pleased porcupine.

Martin and Wolverine join the party.

...aaand the dall sheep.

This caribou is proud of his party hat!

Hmmm...sassy or reluctant?

I ran along the arctic ocean, with Cape Krusenstern in the distance.

Then ran inland toward the lagoons.

Passed some fishing boats on my run home.