Online Classes Are Here!

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After years of intention, I’ve finally begun making online classes! It just took a pandemic and subsequent quarantine to get the ball rolling. Right now there are just a few, and they are all free. The idea is to provide an easy way for people to get started in watercolor. I know many of you have long wanted to try this medium, but lacked the time and resources - I hope this helps!

I’m am working on developing more, a mix of free content and more developed, paid courses for different ability levels. Please subscribe to my newsletter and follow me on facebook to be the first to know when new videos are ready.

Here’s what’s up so far:

Getting Started in Watercolor - a guide to help you choose which materials you want.

Watercolor Basics - this video walks you through the foundations of using watercolor.

Watercolor Paint-Along - a step by step tutorial for painting a landscape with whatever watercolor materials you already have. I did the demo using children’s watercolors and office paper. Not ideal, but that’s all some people have right now, and you can still have fun painting! This class is free, with a suggested donation of $15 or more to The Art Spirit Gallery for those who can afford it. So much more than a gallery, they could really use our help to survive this crazy time.