
Sunday, November 11

It snowed saturday, and while I did get some photographs during the storm, I had much better luck today with the sun shining through the chill air. Read Day 10 post for more details on my seven hour photographic adventure, battling numb extremities and dying camera batteries.

Angel Butte

Door Viewpoint/hiking area

Door Viewpoint/hiking area

Door Viewpoint/hiking area,
with still flowing mud creek.

Door Viewpoint/hiking area

Door Viewpoint/hiking area

Door Viewpoint/hiking area

Big Badlands Overlook.

Big Badlands Overlook.

Big Badlands overlook.

Outside of Calhoun Canyon, east of Saddle Pass.

Outside of Calhoun Canyon, east of Saddle Pass.

Outside of Calhoun Canyon, east of Saddle Pass.

Outside of Calhoun Canyon, east of Saddle Pass.

Outside of Calhoun Canyon, east of Saddle Pass.

Looking in towards Calhoun Canyon.

Big Foot Pass area.

Big Foot Pass area.

I'm safe from the hunters here!

Yellow mounds near Conata Basin.

Yellow mounds near Pinnacles.

Yellow mounds, Pinnacles in the distant left.

More of the yellow mounds.

Coming around the last curve to the top of Pinnacles.

Pinnacles overlook.

Pinnacles overlook.

Bison in Sage Creek Wilderness Area.

Bison carcass near Sage Creek campgound.

Bison carcass near Sage Creek campgound.

Sage Creek.

Sage Creek.

Sage Creek.

Sage Creek.

Sage Creek.

Above Sage Creek.

Above Sage Creek.

Sage Creek Rim Road.

Bison in Sage Creek Wilderness Area.