Badlands Residency Day 21

April 11, 2012

Worked with the 4/5th grade and 6-8th grade classes today. I get to work with them next week as well, so today we focused on drawing. I showed them a few different ways to measure and draw using L-mats, thumb/pencil at arms' length, and marking proportions on a photograph and transferring those onto a drawing. I think it went well. Their drawings are great and most of the kids were really into it. Next week we'll cover painting.

Got back to the quad around 4pm, chatted with all the neighbors for a little bit, then we headed to the wagon wheel for Katie's (surprise) birthday party. There were actually quite a number of people there tonight, small town but Katie is from here, so knows many. We had dinner, DQ ice cream cake, and many rounds of various games. I'm gearing up for a couple good painting days here, if the weather manages to be as gloomy as the forecast looks. If the rains holds off, Ryan might take me out exploring some remote areas on his ATV friday. My fingers are crossed that it will work out. My car can't get very far off the beaten path, and many of the best places are more remote.  

The school.  K-8th grade, 54 students.

Drawing lesson

Painting lesson