Rocky Mountain NP Residency Day 13

It was rainy and gloomy today, with fantastic clouds in and around the mountains. I took the morning off from hiking and took a drive through the park instead. Very chilly up at the top of Trail Ridge Road. 42 degrees there, and rather breezy. I also took a trip into Estes Park to do a load of laundry and pick up some chocolate. While there I finally saw the quintessential wild animal: a black bear. At Safeway, in a tree. On the drive back to the cabin, the elk were along the road again. I packed some this afternoon, and spent time enjoying the cabin for one last afternoon. It's been very enjoyable living here, and part of me will indeed miss it. I am not leaving the park just yet however; I still have several more hikes I want to accomplish and will camp here for a few days in hopes of cooperative hiking weather. While camping, my posts will likely be more sporadic since I will have neither power nor internet.

While my official last day as Artist-in-Residence here is not until tomorrow, I don't want to forget to say a heartfelt thank you to all who work so hard to keep this program running, those who felt I was worthy of the honor, and the individuals whose efforts drive the program's success. In particular: Jean, Betsy, Roger, and Marilyn. Also a big thanks to the many rangers who impacted my stay whether during ranger programs, by offering advice on the best hikes, or in sharing detailed knowledge of park resources. This has been a marvelous experience, and I'll cherish the solitary existence I knew here for these two weeks. Now I can't wait to go home and paint more! I have so much inside to let out on paper. Looking forward to some good studio time.

Clouds over the Bear Lake Area

Longs Peak

Clouds over Hallet Peak

Mount Ida's peak in a cloud

Black bear at Safeway.