Badlands National Park Day 12

Another success in trapping a swift fox!  We left before dawn, and came to this guy just as the sun was coming up over the horizon.  The offspring of yesterday's fox, this male was a bit feisty until snuggled into the wildlife biologist's lap for collaring, micro-chipping, and blood checks.  Again, the whole process takes just a few minutes, and then he is released to run off, likely heading home to mom and his den for the day.


Preparing supplies

The trap is covered with burlap to keep the fox calm

Getting the bag ready around the door before opening it

Weighing the fox


Held securely so he stays calm for the collaring and more

Bounding away after being released

One of many pauses to turn and look back at us

The den

In addition to catching a fox, our traps retained a skunk and porcupine.

Talking to the skunk to calm it and avoid being sprayed

Scampering off away from the trap

This lump is a porcupine!

Thinking about coming back out...

And there he goes, running off in his awkward, uneven manner