Joshua Tree National Park - Artist in Residence Day 13

A Work Day

I had hoped for another long hike today, but the work I had to finish this morning took too long, so I decided to make it a catch up day.  I finished touching up some details on the third collaborative painting, painted its edges, backed up some photos, cleared space on my phone's SD card, and cleaned up.  My parents arrived in town from Grand Canyon; visiting me is one stop on a 3-4 week road trip.  I met them for dinner and we made plans for tomorrow. Besides always being happy to see them, I could use a little company amidst the solitude, and their visit will give me reason to spend a couple days sharing an overview of the park. I usually do that on my own each time I come, but with this painting project keeping me busy, I haven't made the time yet.  Before dinner, I played around with some photos behind my housing.