
As promised, here is the painting I slammed together in four and a half hours yesterday.  I see a couple things I want to adjust, but it's close to finished.  As many of you know, I would normally put in 60-80 hours on something this size (about 20x30").  It is a drastic and expressionistic departure from my normal working style, but I really liked throwing paint around, sometimes literally, while listening to Postal Service and dancing around the apartment.  It was something of an experiment based on an idea I've had for a while that was suggested by some friends last year.  I don't mean to be cryptic, but that's as much as I'll say here.  

I said it before, but this place and my experiences here have inspired something completely unexpected.

On the Rocks
(Above Calhoun Canyon)

Side note: Steven suggested setting up his camera for a time lapse video of me doing a painting.  It would be a lot of fun for me to watch.  I'll be sure to post it if/when we get it done.