Badlands Residency Day 28

Today was a mish-mosh of activities.  I painted more, read more, and finally committed to purchasing a camera upgrade I've been considering for a year.  Also found out that I'll be getting to stay in the heart of the West Village, one of my favorite NYC neighborhoods, while I'm there in a couple weeks.  We have an apartment rented for a week while I'm in the city to attend the American Watercolor Society's annual awards dinner.  If you're reading this, you probably already heard my news of being accepted in their highly competitive annual international exhibition.  I finally entered this year, and while thrilled by the acceptance, I'm still left feeling rather intimidated at the prospect.  It will be fun to visit the historic Salmagundi Art Club and see my work hanging there alongside that of artists whose names are so well known.  Show runs April 2-21 if you happen to be in the city.  I'm really looking forward to having more time there to explore and visit friends.  It's my third trip this year, and it feels so familiar and comfortable now.  It will be such fun to get to visit Calhoun School and see the kids who were out here a couple weeks ago, and hopefully get some quality time with my teacher friends.

Back to present events.  I also poured over my maps of the south unit more, and compared to satellite images.  Worked out some things, and reinforced my knowledge of the landscape.  Gotta be prepared for the next couple weeks so I can keep from getting lost out there!

Another lovely sunset under stormy clouds: