Badlands Residency Day 10

Finally, a day of nice weather when I don't have a million things to do!  Just so happened to be the very nicest day since I arrived, with a high in the mid-70s.  Spectacular!  To take advantage, Katie, Tyler, and I planned a 10 mile hike on Sheep Mountain.  It was lovely.  We stopped in to the Wagon Wheel on the way back to town to visit Jerry, and we played a few hands of cribbage.  I won again, 2:1.  Next was some bean bag toss while dinner was on the grill.  Hung out for a little longer, then I headed home to catch up on email and blogging.  All around a great day, and finally a chance to take photos that are worthy of posting here!

Looking west from the gunnery range overlook on
Sheep Mountain Table.

Looking northwest.

Harney Peak over fingers of Sheep Mountain.

Hiking along with ranger Tyler and Katie.

Unnamed draw.

Taking a stop to rest and play with the yucca.

Looking north to the area we started from.

Spring Draw.

Start of Spring Draw.

A shed.

Southwest off Sheep Mountain.

Almost to the end of the two-track.
Plenty of mud around.

The Bryce area at the end of the trail.

Bryce area of Sheep Mountain.

Looking south off Sheep Mountain.

Harney Peak and a draw off Sheep Mountain.

Today there was a great migration of caterpillars.
All but one were crossing the two track from west to east.

On the return hike.

Getting closer to the end.

Back at the gunnery range overlook, with Harney Peak.