Tubbs Hill Mural Project: Student Painting Day 5

Today was officially the last day of my week as artist-in-residence at Sorensen Magnet School, but I'll be back next week to work with the kids who were ill or traveling during their class's painting time.  No child left behind on this project!  I painted with the sixth graders today, and their job was to add all the shadows and bring the other students' work to life with depth and dimension.  As I told them, they got to add the magic.  Here is the progress at this point.  Still a few areas that need more work and some touch ups to do.

The 10 panels will match up side by side to create a finished mural that is 6x40 feet.

The Coeur d'Alene Press came and photographed students working yesterday.  There was a nice little write up in today's paper: 

Sorensen students create Tubbs Hill mural - Coeur d'Alene Press: Local News