Backpacking to Revett Lake

I was able to spend the last couple days backpacking with a fabulous school group.  We drove about an hour out of town to the trail head for Revett Lake.  Along the way were stops for wading, fishing, and rock jumping in the Coeur d'Alene River.  Had lunch at the Sprag Pole in Murray, ID.  I highly recommend visiting the attached museum.  The hike up to the lake is only about two miles, and affords fantastic views.  Revett Lake is a quiet little lake high up in the mountains, almost on top of the the ID/MT border and very close to the continental divide.  There were no other people around during our stay, making for some nice privacy and solitude.  Weather was amazing, fish were jumping, red tailed hawks were screaming, and we ended the first day with a roaring campfire, s'mores, ghost stories, and blues harmonica.  All the makings of a great camp experience.

Driving higher into the mountains

The Coeur d'Alene River

Leaping off the big rock.

Sprag Pole restaurant and museum.
Murray, ID

View along the hike up to the lake.

Hiking along.

Another nice vista from the trail.

Falls along the trail.

Revett Lake

Dinner on the fire.

There was an abundance of these pretty little moths around.

Hiking back down the trail.

Home sweet home.