Art at the Cd'A Library This Month

Tubbs Hill Display

If you live locally, visit the downtown CdA library this month and check out the gallery space, near the childrens and community rooms. On display are a large number of Sorensen student art pieces as well as prints of many of my Tubbs Hill paintings. The feature of the show is all twelve original Tubbs Hill watercolor paintings that students in 2nd and 3rd grade completed with me last year. These are the paintings I used to generate the poster, and they are far more spectacular in person. In addition are the original student drawings of Tubbs Hill that I used in the Junior Friends of Tubbs Hill Activity Book and many poems with accompanying artwork that the 3rd graders completed just this spring. I snapped a few photos after hanging the show...

The original paintings used for the poster,
with the poster in the middle.

Drawings used in the Junior Friends of Tubbs Hill booklet.

3rd grade poetry and artwork.

3rd grade poetry and artwork.

Prints of some of my Tubbs Hill paintings.