Alaska Bound!

I've been dreaming, hoping, thinking, and planning about this for nearly two years. It's hard to believe it's imminently real!

I'm at the airport, about to fly to Kotzebue, Alaska to be Artist in Residence for the Western Arctic National Parklands for a month.  On thursday a ranger and I will be flown into the wilderness of the Noatak Preserve in a float plane, and dropped off to live out of tents and explore the area. After a handful of days we'll be picked up and flown to another lake to explore.

I have a pile of camera batteries, memory cards, chargers, battery packs, paints, brushes, paper, sketchbooks, and more in hopes of capturing a hint of what is sure to be an exceptional experience.

I'll keep my usual daily blog, though my posts from the wilderness will be posted after I return to Kotzebue mid-month.

Adventure, here I come!