Badlands Residency Day 37

I had my parents for the full day today, and gave them the grand tour.  We drove west on Hwy 44, south of the North Unit of the park, to the all-but-ghost town of Scenic.  Went south on Hwy 27 to BIA Hwy 2 and west across Cuny Table at the edge of the Stronghold Unit.  This route allows just a few glimpses into the Stronghold.  At Hwy 41 we went north to the park overlook at Redshirt Table.  Spent a little time wandering around above the rim, enjoying the view across the Stronghold.  Here we turned around and retraced our route back up toward Scenic, with a side trip over and up onto Sheep Mountain.  Happily the road was dry enough that I could navigate my little car up to the top.  We didn't hike, but getting up to the parking/overlook gave my parents a view west across the Stronghold that complimented their earlier view east.  We continued north to Scenic, then took Sage Creek Rd back into the North Unit with a stop at the remote campground for a picnic lunch.  Drove the loop road east back to my apartment behind the visitors center for a total of 186 miles of driving today.  I went for a walk with my mom, then we all drove down to the Wagon Wheel in Interior for dinner.  Came home again somewhat late, and played a few rounds of dice before turning in.

Looking northeast from the Redshirt Table overlook.

The Stronghold from Redshirt Table.

View northwest from Sheep Mountain

Sage Creek area.

Looking east along Sage Creek Rim Road.

Pronghorn with the Pinnacles Ranger Station behind.


View of Sage Creek Rim Road from Pinnacles.

View from Pinnacles.