Tubbs Hill Mural Project: Student Painting Day 4

Today I had 60-some third graders work on painting native plants.  The fabulous third grade teachers worked extensively with their students researching and practicing drawing specific plant species that are found on Tubbs Hill.  The kids came to me ready to work, and did a fantastic job representing the plant they practiced.  Even better, they all knew where on the hill to find their plant, how big it is, and what shapes to make the leaves, flowers, and/or berries.  Super great.

I also had all the fifth graders paint the needles on the tree trunks that the second graders painted yesterday.  The approximately 65 students worked on representing Ponderosa Pine, Douglas Fir, and Western Larch on different areas of the mural that correspond to the areas on Tubbs that each species is found.  It was a challenging job, and they did such careful work!

Composite image of the 10 panels as they looked after today's painting efforts.