Badlands Residency Day 40

Very busy day.  Many phone calls and emails this morning, work on some projects, then in the evening a drive to Rapid City for an event related to my exhibit there.  The Superintendent for Badlands NP, Eric Brunneman, gave a talk about the history of the South Unit of the park, the proposed Tribal National Park, and the bison reintroduction proposal.  A bit heated at times, it was an interesting evening with much audience participation.  There are many sides to this story, and I find myself more and more interested in combining these perspectives with my own to create...something.  

Returned home close to 9:30pm, and began to get ready to go out to watch the lunar eclipse.  My friend John picked me up a little later and we drove through the park looking for the right spot.  Decided on Norbeck Pass as the place, set up our tripods, and got ready to wait in the cold.  We were joined for a while by a couple other friends.  John is a pro, and had been asked by CNN to submit photos of the eclipse.  They used his images of the last eclipse, which were pretty cool.  I am a complete amateur; this was my first real attempt at night photography, and clearly I have much to learn and practice.  With that caveat, here are a few of the images I took last night.  Got into bed at 3am...