Western Arctic National Parklands Residency Day 15: Kotzebue, AK

Another day of my pattern since getting back from the wilderness: wake, coffee, work on photos and blog.  Spent all day again on this project with a brief break to stop by the park visitors center and measure the windows I'll be painting tomorrow.  I cooked dinner again tonight, shrimp scampi with rye sours.  For a while there was blue sky right over town, while the rest of the sky on all sides looked like death, or that's how Tyler described it.  It was terribly gloomy and made for a stark contrast with the blue overhead.  But as the night goes on, no vivid colors, just slowly growing clouds and dimness.  Up until 3am again, but this time to finish catching up on my blog.  Happy to have accomplished this before the NPS centennial Thursday.  Tomorrow should be a fun, creative day.

