Badlands Residency Day 5

Hopefully my last work day that entails sitting at a computer all day.  Finished the display for the visitor center and got it hung last night.  These aren't great photos since the VC was closed and most of the lights were off.  Will try to get something better later.   

After some more work on my soon to be released virtual exhibit of my Beyond Boundaries work, I headed to a friend's house to informally meet with some people from the regional NPS office that I'll be working on a project with.  Very exciting, more details to come once we have our formal meeting Thursday.  

Here is the display, which includes two posters, a print of The Slide, and the triptych of originals I donated to the park last year.  The poster on the left has the south unit's history plus photographs and paintings of mine.  The poster on the right is full of my painting images and an overview of the artist in residence program and my experiences.