Badlands Residency Day 15

April 5, 2012

I'm writing as I wait for the water to get turned back on. We had plans to make a group dinner again, but mid-afternoon the water was unexpectedly turned off. No one seems to know when it will come on again, so dinner prep could get interesting.

Let's see, this morning I hiked the fossil trail and a bit of the castle trail with Steven, on a mission to find a little boy's lost stuffed raccoon. On our way to the wagon wheel last night, we were stopped by a mom who was looking to speak with a park employee. Raccoon missing, boy distraught, mom frazzled. Steven exchanged phone numbers with her in case someone at the visitor's center has it. This morning, the mom had already called Steven twice, from Colorado. She's headed to Philly next, still hoping to get that raccoon back. We tried to locate it, but failed. Drove back to the quad, and drove past Ed on the way in; he stopped to tell us about a bake sale in Interior today. We followed him over there, and had sloppy joes, salads, and a vast assortment of pie. Went to the grocery store and post office at Interior as well for some supplies and to say hi to John, who is the post master. I did some work in the apartment this afternoon, with a break to visit with Tricia and Steven. Seems Interior has been a busy little town this week. Today someone drove into the post office, apparently after we left. Last I heard the truck was still imbedded in the wall of the building. Earlier this week they had a mentally unstable woman hanging around, harassing the post office and other people. Someone managed to piece together that she is from LA and was arrested there for stalking Ellen DeGeneres and her wife. Seems she left town and somehow ended up here, in Interior, SD, population 67.

Weather looks to be stormy tomorrow, so it will likely be a painting day. Steven and John (photographers and AiRs, present and past) have been asking for a watercolor lesson, so we might do that tomorrow. I also have work to do for a really exciting project possibility that's evolving with the national park service. More to come as that plays out.

Oh, and a note to Ethan and Kieran: when I take you camping here this summer, Ed has said that he'll take you out fossil hunting and teach you all the cool stuff. Something to look forward to!

Alright, off to check in with the others and figure out dinner. I'm hungry!

Part of the castle trail.

On the way back.