Badlands Residency Day 12

Tuesday November 13

Spent the entire day inside, save for a run to the recycling and garbage bins outside while doing a quick clean-up of the place. Mostly painted today, with a little time spent on wrapping up some work from the Red Cloud project as well as planning ahead to the next painting. I'm in the niggling phases of this one of Sage Creek. Small things that few people besides me would notice, also checking the big things like the balance of value, color, and shape across the piece. I do most of this before starting a painting, of course, but always have to keep it in mind in case I've strayed from my plan. I think it's getting close, and honestly I'm not so fond of the process with this one, at least not at this point. Ready to be done, which means I have to be careful. I'm going to live with it for a few days, and see what needs adjusting yet. Also below is a little 8x12” painting I did during the bits of free time I had last week when the students were working away and not wanting me for anything. I'm not excited by it, but it was a fun little sketchy painting to work on. I do love the location, it was the coolest discovery I made while hiking down in the remote Palmer Creek unit last spring.

Tonight's big plans: fix dinner, stretch paper for a new painting, work on subject matter and design of next painting, and perhaps watch a movie or read for a bit.

The painting of Sage Creek that just won't end.

Rock formations in the Palmer Creek Unit of Badlands.