Badlands Residency Day 32

Snowed in!!!

After last night's blizzard, the park was more or less closed today, just two staff at the visitor's center all day, and they both live here in the quad.  Last I heard only two people came into the v/c today.  Maintenance was out with the huge plows, enormous monsters mounted to semi tractors with dump truck beds on back.  The road near the quad was plowed by the front loader.  My front door was snowed in behind a drift.  Snow continued off an on all day, and still tonight.  Tomorrow looks like perhaps another foot of snow here.  Chances are we'll be snowed in again.  I have a couple projects to work on, but I also hope to get out for some snow fun - fort or snowman building or such.  

I spent a lot of time today going through my photos from yesterday's muddy/wet/chilly endeavor into Palmer Creek.  Also worked on a small painting of nearby Johnston Ranch and the White River.  Had a late dinner, and then accepted an invite to watch a movie with a couple friends.  Back home to update blog on Palmer adventure.

Snow around my apartment.