Rocky Mountain NP Residency Summary

Snow on Longs again this morning, rain much of the night on the tent. Yesterday was just the right day for Chasm, and a great hike with which to end my adventures here. I packed up my wet tent and after a little drive around part of the park, a stop at the visitor's center, and breakfast in town, I hit the road towards home. Decided to take a route that is not quite the shortest, but brings me right next to Grand Tetons NP, where I will spend tomorrow. Should have been an easy day of driving, but alas I had to contend with a flat tire and several thunderstorms along the drive. Spent the night in Rock Springs, WY, which is a lovely place in a very different way from Rocky.  

I'm certainly going  to miss being here, these land forms feel like home now, familiar and comfortable, and there are so very many places I have not yet walked my feet.  I did my best to do the park justice, visiting the corners, edges, center, and something more than 20 lakes and 10 waterfalls, plus others that were not named on trails as specific destinations, yet were there to be found along the way.  I understand the geography and could likely even draw a reasonable approximation of a map from memory.  Can't believe I get to call this my job: travelling, exploring, learning, then painting.  I am so very excited to get home and paint!

Thank you again to everyone at Rocky Mountain and at home whose efforts and faith in me made this experience happen.

View of Bear Lake area (Taylor, Otis, Hallet, and Flattop)
 from Estes Park on my way out.