Badlands Residency Day 38

As the one day of the week with some sun in the forecast, I got up early for sunrise photos up here in the north unit.  I really want some sunrise and sunset shots of the area between Conata and Pinnacles. Sadly the light did not cooperate.  It was reasonably clear before sunrise, then the clouds began to move in.  

Worked on the same painting of Palmer Creek a bunch today.  It's sure going slowly, but I might finally be getting it to a point that I almost like.  Still a lot of work left to do on it.

Cooked some shepherd's pie for dinner, and made way too much.  I'm going to have to share it with friends - I leave for NYC in just a couple days!

This small area of the park is the only location where
you can see all the existing rock layers in one place.
Pierre Shale, Chadron, Brule, Rockyford Ash*, Sharps.
(*the exact categorizing of this layer is in question)

Same area with all formations present.

Closeup of the 'popcorn' soil
of the Chadron Formation.
Extremely crumbly when dry,
exceedingly slick when wet.

Looking into Burns Basin.

Burns Basin with sod tables.

Burns Basin.

Burns Basin.

Big Foot Pass area.

Big Foot Pass.

Big Foot Pass.

Top of Big Foot Pass.

Near Saddle Pass.  Mud surrounded buttes.