Sandhill Crane Migration

As I stated in my previous post, while out at a paleo site today, we heard some really loud bird calls which we all immediately identified as sandhill cranes.  They were so loud we thought they were on the ground, nearby.  Instead, it was an enormous flock flying overhead.  Today turned out to be an endless lineup of flocks of sandhill cranes flying overhead, migrating north.  I saw one flock migrating over Palmer Creek last year when I was here, but nothing like this.  Wondering whether they can sense the blizzard that's due in a day and a half and are working to get across the area before it hits.

I cannot describe how incredible it was. So many, and we were right under their path.  It was continuous.  They were lined up in varying rounded V shapes, overlapping but in a defined organization.  As they would get closer they circled in places, different lines of birds crashing into larger groups, separating again, gliding past.  Sometimes it was an enormous mass of chaos as they drifted upwards on air currents.  I took some videos since they were so loud, and they turned out great.  Wish I had the capability to upload video here.  Still shots will have to do, though they fail to show the graceful aerial dance of these birds.  Such an experience to watch and hear them all day in their endless progression north.  I still have their sound echoing in my ears.