Joshua Tree National Park - Artist in Residence Day 7

I slept in unexpectedly, later than I have in years.  Much of the afternoon was spent time pouring over my books and maps, marking some of the hikes I'd like to do, new ones and a couple spots to revisit.  I also planned out some work ideas for my time here, organized my room, did laundry, cooked meals, and had some fun watching wildlife.  A roadrunner was walking near me, and when it realized, it flew off.  I think that's the first time I've seen a roadrunner fly.  Later, at dusk, the local pack of coyotes was hanging out in front of my window, howling.  I went outside to watch them trot a little way up the dirt road next to my place, they walked a bit, paused to circle around each other and howl, then trotted farther, and again circled and howled.  It was fascinating to watch.

Parry's Nolina in Bloom near my housing.