American Watercolor Society International Exhibition

Last fall I finally decided to enter a painting into the American Watercolor Society's annual International Exhibition.  I have intended to enter for the last couple years, but felt intimidated and unworthy of this notoriously competitive show.  It's only been about five years since I picked up a brush and decided to tackle the medium I once detested, so who am I to think I could earn a place with today's greats from around the world?

Well, this week I received notice that my submission was accepted (image below).  I am humbly grateful to have been accepted on my first try, and hope to repeat the success sometime in the next decade.  This is one of the highest honors in the world of watercolor, and my painting will hang in the exhibit at the historic Salmagundi Art Club in Greenwich Village, NYC from April 2-21, 2013.  I will be in-residence at Badlands National Park during the show, but am making arrangements to fly to the city for a time and be present at the awards ceremony and dinner.

Here is the list of exhibitors for this year's show.  

"AWS" after one's name denotes signature membership status, attainable only after acceptance into two annual exhibits in one's lifetime.  A true mark of greatness in the medium.